
Daily Devotion: Why Am I Not Hearing From God?

I get this question a lot. To be honest, I used to ask myself the same thing. Why am I not hearing from God? Why is it so hard to hear His voice? Until one day it hit me like a freight train. I thought God had fallen silent. But the truth is, He hadn’t fallen silent.

I wasn’t spending enough time silent.

I’m going to tell you one of the reasons you’re not hearing God, and it’s super simple. 

You’re. Not. Listening. 

James 1:19 says this:

“My dear brothers and sisters, understand this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger.”

You could spent 60 minutes of your day in prayer. Which is amazing, I might add. But if you’re spending 60 minutes praying and you don’t spend one single minute listening then that might be why you’re not hearing from God. 

Yes it’s important to bring our concerns to him. To pour out our hearts to him. But we can get so caught up laying out our requests to Him, that we miss the most important part.

Let me tell you… the most powerful encounters I’ve had with God is when I’ve quieted my soul and listened. I believe that God wants to speak powerful revelation to you. To every single one of us. We just have to learn the power of listening.

Challenge: go into your quiet place, humble and quiet yourself, and listen. 

If you need some worship music inspiration for your quiet time, head over to my post 13 Worship Songs You Should Add to Your Quiet Time Playlist.